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Publications 4

Shaken & Stirred

An anthology of poetry edited by Heather Grace: 324 pages. ISBN 1904224857

                       Out of print.

   “And then there’s the Scottish poet, Hugh McCracken. Unlike anyone in this collection, he runs with a Henry Miller-like hunger through cafés, concentration camps, passages of time, religion and even aliens. His poetry is the most varied in choice of topics and shows true originality. Even when one looks carefully and deeply, one cannot find strong influences of almost any poet in McCracken. He truly speaks with language of his own.”

Excerpt from a review of Shaken & Stirred by

   Nicholas Cobic, the Co-editor of the freshest poetry magazine in the UK –

   The Wolf.

       Now out of print


A collection of poems


ISBN 978-0-557-60430-2

Available from:


A Short Story Collection

AVailable as Ebook from Amazon

ISBN 978-0-9698825-7-2